My Data My Vote is a nationwide grassroots movement mobilizing all Americans to help stop this bad policy before more innocent individuals and families are victims of identity theft, hacking, and data manipulation. Now is the time to take action and tell Washington enough is enough.
Washington politicians and the SEC are working hard to implement a massive new government database set to collect the personally identifiable information of every American investor, creating a one-stop shop for cyber criminals to invade your privacy and steal your most sensitive personal information.
of Americans are concerned about data breaches.

9 in 10
say it’s extremely important they trust a company
they give their personal information to.
would NOT feel comfortable if their broker were forced to send their personal information to
an unregulated third-party.

4 in 5
say they would have ‘no’ or ‘hardly any’ trust in the third-party to store and safeguard their personal and financial information.
of Americans strongly oppose sending
their personal information to the CAT.